Monday, October 1, 2012

1. What is Aquaponics ?
  • Aquaponics is an integrated aqualculture combines hydroponic crop cultivation and breeding of fish at the same time mutually beneficial to both the environment.  Aquaponics uses no chemicals, requires10% water needed for field plant production and only a fraction of the water that is used for fish culture
  • The waste from fish tanks is treated with natural bacteria that converts the waste, largely ammonia, first to nitrite and then to nitrate. The fish waste absorbed by plants is pumped to a bio-filter system as a nutrient solution for the growing plants (Grow Bed). The only external input to the system is food for the fish. Both systems complement each other as a single unit, not as separate units.
  • Once the system is initialized the water stays Ph balanced and remains crystal clear. The water is recycled with a small amount of water added weekly to compensate for what is lost by evaporation and transpiration by the vegetables.

2. What are the advantages of aquaponic system compared to the existing system now?
  • Aquaponic systems possess many attractive commercial applications, as well as environmental and human health benefits, making them ideal for future use in developing regions of the world. Quantifiable results include:
  • Additive water conservation benefits of  recirculating aquaculture and hydroponics combined into an integrated waste free system. With uncertainty regarding water supplies and the population carrying capacity of arid regions of the world, water conservation practices may result in aquaponics replacing more traditional forms of food production.  Additionally, the plant and microbial remediation of the fish effluent (waste) prevents environmental contamination (eutrophication) common with many forms of aquaculture.
  • A controlled-environment greenhouse operation greatly increases the reliability of production while reducing the risk of environmental degradation such as non-native species introduction which is prevalent with other forms of agriculture.  Through the prevention of greenhouse pest outbreaks the need for synthetic pesticides has been eliminated.
  • Combining aquaculture and hydroponics technologies has demonstrated the potential to exceed the productivity and profitability of independently operated systems for a given resource  constraint (land, water, capital).
  • Unlike warm blooded food stocks, cultured aquatic species are not considered high probability vectors of zoonotic diseases to humans.  They require fewer inputs (feed and time) than other livestock.  The feed conversion ratio and carbon footprint for farmed fish is significantly less than other sources for animal protein.*
  • The technologies employed to run an aquaponics operation can be primitive and produced from a large range of readily available (post-consumer) materials. This lowers the overall environmental footprint of the design and broadens the availability of the technology to poorer regions of the world.

3. Does aquaponics need sunlight?
  • All living things need sunlight so too aquaponics. However sunlight can also be replaced with light but the reaction may not be similar to the effects of direct sunlight naturally.  We encourage those who intend to use the system (if you choose the 'in-door), preferably placed in close proximity to sources such as the sun light in the window, door, porch, patio or balcony . Greenhouses often built in a clearing in the backyard or gardens. But depending on the design of the greenhouse where if it requires additional light then electric lamp is an alternative .

4. Is this aquaponic system suitable for large scale farming?
  • Besides saving cost of employing workers it could yield a double as surveillance system is easy and does not require strict monitoring. Also, aquaponic systems do not require fertilizer as it gets enough nutrients due to a complete cycle of waste generated from fish excretions to be supplied to the plants . The cycle itself is complete to complement each other .

5. What type of aquatic life is suitable for breeding ?
  • Aquatic system plays an important role in  Aquaponic. Without it the system will be paralyzed and the crops will fail to grow. Aquatic life supply nutrients for crops to grow .
  • Suitables aquatic life for breeding such as red/black Tilapia , Tiger prawn , Seabass , haruan fish, ketutu , Kelah, Koi , Carp , Baung , Catfish .

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